Wednesday 17 January, 2007

Spring time ahoy?

I saw those eyes....
those innocent eyes.....
the cute smile with a kid's gleam in those eyes....
and i yearned to be like that...........
Free of thoughts of the outer world,
free of the worldly pleasures except for an odd ice cream!

Can i ever be like that.....
Be a twenty one year old and still manage to move around with the nonchalance of a five year old?

be treated like one......
feel like one......

like they accept her...
like they treat her.....
taken care as a kid......
but treated like a woman.

its so difficult in this world to show you are tough.
but its more difficult in this world to keep the innocence in you
the child in you alive....

They say the years go by, and it all changes with the years.....
the childhood comes and goes.

But is it so, or are we responsible for it?
Don't we brand the innocent as unwise?

so we hide the innocence somewhere in the dark corners where it would be difficult to retrieve it back........

And put up a facade.....
and end up not being us......

being someone else we would love to be,
but definitely not HAPPY to be.......

But there are pros and cons for innocence too i guess.....
the con part being, the naivety would be mistaken as mere "foolishness"

But paying a price with your happiness seems to outweigh people mistaking you.
after all its not them who should matter.....
its your happiness that does matter....

and slowly but steadily, the dreams are creeping in....
the days seem more wonderful,
the sunlight seems to penetrate although its the winter at its peak now, for the outer world.

greenery seems not far in the boulevard.

A few steps and is it spring for me?

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