Saturday 16 May, 2009

The Save Ganga Campaign....

After lots of cogoitation and excogitation, I drew a parallel.
I drew a parallel to myself.

They call it The Ganges,  I my parallel.

Well, lets call it the Gangotri phase of my life, where i was pure (well thats wht my name is supposed to mean after all :-D ), unadulterated by the outside world and more importantly eductaion ;-)  A small, little, bald, cute baby who as time progressed grew not so cute, not so cute, till one day he was no more cute. 

And then the Haridwar phase began, where the flow actually started. An introvert that it was, The Ganges never breached its boundaries flowing gently calmly and silently through the plains.....

That was till it reached the Kanpur phase, read engineering, where the heavy pollution started.
Burdened with a lot more than what it could actually bear and actually what it didnt want to bear, it moved ahead. It got murkier and murkier. But now the Ganges became an extrovert, breaching the boundaries, flooding other peoples lives with sometimes joy, sometimes with sadness. Some smaller tribuataries joined in, read friends, and life was never complaining again. It could take care of the high BOD and COD levels :p

As i wait pateintly now, for the Allahabad phase, where some Yamuna would come and merge ;-)
I appeal to one and all.  



Thursday 14 May, 2009


Idling in a autumn noon,
I listen to a little bird croon,
The eyes are open,
Watching in despair the old oak, 
still shedding its leaves.

As i await the spring,
The wind whiffs by,
Bringing a white feather,
That just flies by,
She touches and caressess,
Making me delight,
Intrigued by her,
I try catch her,
I get up from my comforts 
And run in despair,
Again & again & again,
I feel i caught her
Only to realise,
I just touched her.
Eluding me she does fly high.

And then i realise,
An autumn breeze
doesnt bring the spring
As i wait for the autumn just to pass by
Sitting here idle, watching the old oak.
Still shedding its leaves.....

Monday 16 February, 2009


The eastern sun just got out,
Letting the twilight caress her pout.

The droplets lay there, adorning her face,
Making the best of diamonds hide their face.

She lay there still,
Soaking the sun.

Thinking of the night 
That just went by.

And there i see a blush
That she did try to aside abrush

She wasn't sure what made her shiver
The chilly winds yesternight
Or his caress all night

His touch that had come
After all the wait this long

She lay there still 
Waiting for him to come

And play with those strands
Which were let loose for him

And he will come again
Once the dusk arrives

Falling drop by drop at first
And then thundering down,
Quenching the thirst of the earth that lay below.