Thursday 7 December, 2006

A "Mirage"able age????

What's so special about tomorrow, for me???

Oh.. Its a day when some celestial body called earth, completes 21 years of revolution around the another celestial body called Sun, since the moment i was born.
So whats there to celebrate for me?
Strange.... Its the earth that has revolved around.
It has done all the hard work.
And, I for some stupid, or for no reason whatsoever, celebrate.

But then, aren't we humans in search of a day to celebrate?
And us Indians in particular, no wonder we lead the list in the countries with maximum number of public holidays.

Tomorrow is a day when probably, a few handful friends and foes would wish me a happy birthday! with quite a lot going for my ass...if you didn't get it.... ask the engineer down the corner!

Still am groping about whats so happy about it??

And for some strange reason The Honorable Govt. Of India feels that i won't be a kid anymore from tomorrow!
They would call me an Adult from tomorrow!

An adult who is mature enough to take his own decisions!
But I was mature enough to select the guy who was going to rule over me some three years ago!
Is the country more important or one's life (read wife)!!

No no... I am not going into the so often debated about topic of the marriageable age in India.
Too boring for a blog!

Not that whatever i am writing is interesting though.... ;)

But this question seems to intrigue me too often. How can a few days of life label a person as a mature creature and another as one who has not.

Most of you might agree with the fact and will add on.... Its the experiences in life that make you mature.
I would still beg to differ. Not totally though.
I would say, experiences in life do count. But not many learn from the mistakes. There are some born stupids. Immature still...after countless experiences.
I know many, one in particular, for sure!

Thats why probably we have just one Dale Carnegie!
And not many!
No one is perfect. But there are some, including, this very yours truly, who would love to be imperfect throughout.

Because dreams are to be dreamt off and thrown in trash tomorrow morning. Taking them in tow could be dangerous lest they break!

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