Thursday, 14 May 2009


Idling in a autumn noon,
I listen to a little bird croon,
The eyes are open,
Watching in despair the old oak, 
still shedding its leaves.

As i await the spring,
The wind whiffs by,
Bringing a white feather,
That just flies by,
She touches and caressess,
Making me delight,
Intrigued by her,
I try catch her,
I get up from my comforts 
And run in despair,
Again & again & again,
I feel i caught her
Only to realise,
I just touched her.
Eluding me she does fly high.

And then i realise,
An autumn breeze
doesnt bring the spring
As i wait for the autumn just to pass by
Sitting here idle, watching the old oak.
Still shedding its leaves.....